Gagne's Conditions of Learning - Scenario

For this chapter's scenario, we're going to do something a little different - instead of outlining a scenario, we have provided a demonstration of Gagne's Conditions of Learning within a lesson plan.

RE Lesson Year 9

Duration 55 mins

Teacher name: A. Smith

Date: June 2017

Number of learners: 30

Resources: Text books

                     Sugar paper, Large pens

                     Images of Hajj

                     Documentary on Hajj

Learning objectives

For the pupils to have knowledge of the Five Pillars of Islam

For the pupils to understand how Hajj forms part of the Five Pillars

For pupils to understand the importance of such to Muslims

Learning outcomes

For pupils to demonstrate their knowledge of Five Pillars of Islam

For pupils to recognise the significance of Hajj to Muslims and how it forms part of the Five Pillars

Cross-Curricular Links

Geography - location of Makka

History - historical context of pilgrimage in Muslim context.



Assessment opportunities (Event 8)

Links to Gagne's Ideas

7 mins

3 mins

15 mins

20 mins

10 mins

Ice Breaker/ Starter

With the people sitting next to you - groups of no more than 3 - list the Five Pillars of Islam.

One group supplies the Arabic name, another supplying the English equivalent, and another providing its meaning.

The practitioner then explains the learning objectives to the pupils, stating that they have already achieved one of them in naming the Five Pillars. In addition, the pupils will be aware of the fact that the lesson will form part of a longer-term aim of understanding how Hajj forms a part of the Five Pillars and its significance to the Muslim faith.

Activity 1

The students will be handed a sheet on which there are various sentences about Hajj, which they will have to complete whilst watching a short documentary film about the Muslim pilgrimage.

For those who need it, a differentiated worksheet will be provided which provides a number of different words that students can choose from to complete the sentences.

Activity 2

Recount the story of Abdul who goes on his pilgrimage to Makka. This short account tells of Abdul's experiences as he follows the rituals associated with the pilgrimage and their significance.

In your groups, use the sugar paper and the pictures to construct a poster about Abdul's experiences, what he did and why they are important in the context of his faith.

It will need to be explained to the pupils that they will not complete this exercise today - they will be asked to stop prior to the end of the lesson in order to look at their progress and to ensure that they have understood what they have learnt so far.


Q & A - what have we learnt today?

The practitioner will ask a series of open and closed questions which are designed to elicit information from the pupils in order to assess the extent of their learning. This forms part of the assessment process and will also help to inform planning for the next session.

Listening to the discussions within the group.

Feedback from each group to the class.

Feedback from individuals in the class.

Listening to the discussions within the group

The answers to the questions will detail the extent to which the children have understood the content of the lesson until this point in the production of their presentation of Abdul's journey.

Not only is this a recall exercise (Event 3), it is an activity which gets the attention of the pupils (Event 1) and enhances their retention of prior learning (Event 9).

The pupils are clearly being informed of the learning objectives in order that they have clear expectations about the nature of the activities which have been planned for the session (Event 2).

This material is being presented in an audio and visual form, with the worksheet serving to ensure that the children are focused upon the content of the documentary (Event 4).

This activity allows further stimulus materials to be accessed by the pupils (Event 4) and for learning guidance to be provided, either by the practitioner themselves or by using textbooks and/or the computer to aid the pupils in the construction of their poster about Abdul's journey (Event 5). As a part of this learning activity, the pupils will be demonstrating the extent of their learning in the performance of this task and the way in which they explain Abdul's journey (Event 6). Retracing his journey will also enhance the retention of the facts contained within it (Event 9).

This assessment session (Event 8) provides opportunities for reinforcing prior learning (Event 3) and for reviewing the extent to which the pupils have understood new material. The performance (Event 6) will provide an indication as to whether the approach that was taken in the delivery of the new material met the needs of the pupils. As a part of the Q & A, the practitioner will have an opportunity to give immediate feedback (Event 7) to those who answer questions, thus giving them an indication as to whether they have attained the learning objectives as outlined at the start of the lesson. This process also helps to enhance retention (Event 9).

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